In December 2023, the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) submitted a vital recommendation to the European Commission regarding amendments to the network codes on requirements for grid connection of generators (RfG Regulation) and on demand connection (DC Regulation). These recommendations are pivotal for ensuring the smooth integration of electricity generators and demand connections into the grid infrastructure across EU member states. They play a crucial role in harmonizing grid connection procedures and establishing a consistent framework for electricity generation and consumption throughout the EU.
On the AGISTIN webinar “Perspectives on Grid Connection Networks for Energy Storage”, we’ll decode the complexity of grid connection network amendments, and address the implications of the network codes on grid connection networks for energy storage, featuring presentations from AGISTIN and iStentore projects use cases.
If you are an Energy storage developers and operators, an electricity generator, a grid operator, a policy maker or regulator, a research institution or an energy expert interested in this topic, you can’t miss the opportunity to expand your understanding of grid connection networks and their important role in shaping the future of energy storage.
- Welcome and AGISTIN project overview, Gianluca Lipari (EPRI Europe / AGISTIN Project Coordinator)
- Analysis of Connection Code Recommendations, Ellen Beckstedde (FSR)
- AGISTIN and GCN: Contributions, Enablers and Blockers, Francesca Di Gruttola (RINA) & Thibault Prevost (RTE), AGISTIN WP2
- Analyses of Grid Code Effects on Use Cases
- AGISTIN project, Saran Ganesh, (SHELL / AGISTIN WP5)
- i-Stentore project, Antonio Di Pasquale (UNINA)
- Q&A

Francesca Di Gruttola is a mechanical engineer and got her PhD in Energy and Environment from the University of Rome, La Sapienza, in 2023. Since September 2023, she has been working as EU R&D project manager at RINA Consulting. In AGISTIN project, she has been leading WP2 activities.
Thibault Prevost is System Stability expert at RTE (the French TSO). He graduated from Centrale Supelec in 2007 and has been working in R&D since. He initially worked on grid connection studies for renewable and European grid codes for generators. He is now working on the operation of a system with a high share of power electronic interfaced generation and grid forming control, and participating in the AGISTIN project in WP2 and 3.
Saran Ganesh obtained his Master’s in Electrical Power Engineering from TU Delft, Netherlands, in 2020. He has more than 5 years of work experience in the field of renewables and power systems. Currently, working as an Electrical Engineer in the Grid Connection Technology team in Shell and leading the WP5 activities for Shell in AGISTIN.
Ellen Beckstedde is a research associate at the Florence School of Regulation (FSR), where she is co-director of the Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe course. She holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from KU Leuven and Vlerick Business School, Belgium. During her PhD, she examined distribution network planning, flexibility mechanisms, and regulatory sandboxes using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. She graduated from KU Leuven as an engineer specialising in energy in 2019.
Antonio Di Pasquale earned his M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio in 2019. In 2024, he successfully completed his Ph.D. in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. Currently, he serves as a researcher fellow at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (DIETI) at the University of Naples Federico II. His research interests are primarily focused on power systems applications, encompassing power quality aspects, renewable sources, storage systems, and electric rail transit systems.
Gianluca Lipari obtained his Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 2015. Since October 2022 he has been European projects coordinator at EPRI Europe. Dr. Lipari is the coordinator of the Horizon Europe project AGISTIN.