The first AGISTIN paper “The influence of grid-forming loads on transient stability” was presented during the 22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark (26–28 September) and is now published in the workshop’s proceedings.
In the paper, the researchers simulated a scenario where renewables offer inertia in case of a rising frequency and loads contribute to inertia in case of a falling frequency. They showed how a grid-forming inverter’s fault behaviour could be changed to achieve better transient stability and presented two methods to improve transient stability.
As the energy sector transitions towards more decentralized and renewable energy-based grids, grid-forming loads will play a crucial role in achieving a reliable and resilient grid system while accommodating the variability and intermittency of renewable energy sources.
The paper, available here, was written in the context of AGISTIN WP3 “Enhanced AGI Design for inclusion of innovative forms of storage” and is co-authored by Nils Wiese and Baran Karadag, University of Kassel, Germany.