Assessing the Environmental Impact of Energy Storage Systems: A Life Cycle Perspective

Date: 29th Wednesday, 11AM CET 

Registration Link: HERE

About: Energy storage technologies are crucial for the integration of renewable energy sources. Understanding and benchmarking the environmental performance of these solutions is critical in ensuring their sustainability. By applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, we can design solutions that are truly sustainable and future-ready. 

On the 5th webinar of our Energy Talks series, we will delve into the environmental benefits, challenges, and risks associated with energy storage systems. This session will introduce a comprehensive framework for LCA developed by the AGISTIN project. This LCA framework will enable us to evaluate the environmental performance of the energy storage systems tested in our project pilots. In this webinar, you’ll also be able to gain insights from practical examples and case studies from our sister projects i-Stentore, SINNOGENES and 2LIPP. 

  • Environmental benefits, challenges and risks associated Energy storage Systems (Selene Varliero, RINA/AGISTIN project) 
  • Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment and its importance when assessing environmental impact (Fernando Burgoa, CARTIF/ AGISTIN project)   
  • AGISTIN LCA Framework (Fernando Burgoa, CARTIF/ AGISTIN project) 
  • Other use cases from sister projects
    • i-STENTORE
  • Q&A

Selene Varliero is an environmental engineer with a strong background in climate change mitigation and remediation technologies. Currently completing a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, the research has focused on Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies. Her work integrated laboratory research, field experiments, and modelling. Throughout the research, she had the opportunity to coordinate interdisciplinary efforts involving private companies, research teams, and public institutions. Since joining RINA, Selene has contributed to both industrial and research projects, broadening her expertise in quantifying and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and conducting Life Cycle Assessments, enhancing her ability to drive the development of sustainable solutions 

Fernando Burgoa has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad de Valladolid (2015) and a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad de Valladolid (2017). Fernando Burgoa has been a project manager and Life Cycle Assessment practitioner for the last 6 years, conducting social, economic and environmental LCA studies for National and European R&D projects in multiple sectors (biorefineries, renewable energy systems, green hydrogen, agri-food processes and waste treatment). Fernando Burgoa is part of CARTIF’s Circular Economy area since 2019.  

Ángel Paredes Parrilla holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Energy Systems (2023) and two Bs.C. in Electrical Engineering (2019) and Mechanical Engineering (2019), as well as a Ms.C in Industrial Engineering (2021) from the University of Málaga. His research focuses on renewable energy, energy storage, and smart grids, with contributions that optimize flexibility in distributed networks and local energy markets. He has held key roles in projects like WeForming and i-STENTORE and led international collaborations with institutions including the University of Edinburgh and the University of Mons. 

Maria Fotopoulou is an electrical engineer from the Nation Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She is cooperating with the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) since 2019, focusing on distribution networks both as a project manager and as a developer in Horizon projects such as Plug-N-Harvest, TIGON, INTERPRETER, ENFLATE, SINNOGENES, SSTAR and eFORT. Her research interests include smart grids, renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, AC/DC hybrid networks, day-ahead optimization and demand response strategies. She has published both original research and review papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conferences.