Energy Talks #3

Advancing Energy Resilience: The Critical Role of Battery Storage in Modern Grids

In the third of the energy talk series promoted by SINNOGENES, iSTENTORE, AGISTIN and 2LIPP, we will be exploring the battery technology for reliability of power supply.

In this talk to be hosted by the SINNOGENES project on the 26th of June at 11am (CET), we will be looking at different battery storage technologies that can be utilized to ensure seamless power grid operation.

AGISTIN will be represented in this talk by Andrey Shigaev, co-founder and CEO of Geyser Batteries.  

About the Energy Talk:

To avoid blackouts or to enable a black start, it is useful for the power grid that parts of it can be disconnected (the so-called “islanding”). A battery makes this possible because it can both store energy so that the generation can meet the demand and offer the services which the system needs to run separately from the rest of the power grid (i.e., batteries can be used in microgrids). On the other hand, the aggregation of distributed renewable energy generation and batteries (acting as Virtual Power Plants) enables their participation in balancing, wholesale or flexibility markets. This means that small-scale flexibility resources which could otherwise not have participated can offer their flexibility to TSOs and DSOs. This solution (i.e., medium size batteries and aggregated small domestic batteries) consists of utilizing the fast and versatile nature of batteries to provide ancillary services to DSO and TSOs. The primary services are frequency balancing, voltage support and congestion management. It is also possible to address adequacy by adjusting charging and discharging to peak in an hourly perspective, so the demand curve is more stabilized.