Public Deliverables
D2.1 Energy storage integration requirements, incentives and constraints: EU-wide analyses
This deliverable provides a comprehensive overview of energy storage integration requirements, incentives, and constraints within the European Union.
D4.1 Use case identification and test infrastructure set-up
The purpose of this document is to provide a reference point for the different laboratory test cases to be evaluated in WP4, WP5 and WP6 as part of the AGISTIN project.
Milestone MS2.1
SoA of Connection Network Codes.
Milestone MS2..2
Innovative Energy Storage Integration requirements, incentives and constraints.
D3.1: Topologies for
common AGI of identified
This document provides a general overview of some requirements to be considered when planning an advanced grid interface (AGI).
D1.3 First year risk management plan
The Risk Management Plan for the AGISTIN project outlines a comprehensive strategy to identify, assess, and mitigate potential challenges throughout the project’s lifecycle.
D1.1 Project method and activity plan
This deliverable provides a preliminary version of the detailed management plan of the AGISTIN project.
D1.2 data management plan
This deliverable describes the identified data categories used within the AGISTIN project by the different project partners as well as ethical aspects and data handling requirements.
D7.1 First Communication,
Dissemination And Exploitation
Plan Including Project Identity
And Website Report
This deliverable presents a detailed Communication and Dissemination Master Plan and Plan of Exploitation to maximise the impact of the project results for its entire duration and beyond its lifetime.
PRoject Papers and Posters
Improved Integration of Electrolyzers by Grid-forming Battery Systems in Weak Grids
Poster presented at the 2nd Workshop on Integration of Local Energy Systems, 17th November 2023, Hamburg.
The Influence of Grid Forming Loads on Transient Stability
Paper presented at the 22st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
Utilising the potential of demand side flexibility of an energy community for increasing the hosting capacity of distribution grids
Poster presented at CIRED 2024
Dynamic Ancillary Services From Grid Codes to Transfer Function Based Converter Control
Paper authors: Verena Häberle, Linbin Huang, Xiuqiang He, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Florian Dörfler
MIMO Grid Impedance Identification of Three-Phase Power Systems PArametric vs Nonparametric Approaches
Paper Authors: Verena Häberle, Linbin Huang, Xiuqiang He, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Roy S. Smith, Florian Dörfler
Optimal Dynamic Ancillary Services Provision
Based on Local Power Grid Perception
Paper authors: Verena Häberle, Xiuqiang He, Linbin Huang, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Florian Dörfler
Beyond blueprints: EPRI’s vision and strategies of the hybrid energy future in 2024
Paper Authors: Daniel V.Pombo; Paolo Pezinni (EPRI Europe/EPRI)